Friday, 18 November 2016

Why Despite The Grisly Stats, CHRIST IS STILL ON HIS THRONE.

This very night, Stealth Bombers from the world's top Armies, will bomb an obscure village, in the remote Tora Bora mountains Afghanistan, that posed no threat to world peace, back to stone-age. Kids will be torn to shreds, women will be dismembered and men will be skinned alive by radiation-fueled flames. The press will pick it up, and after days of consultations, the Superpower will acknowledge the bombing, terming the innocent deaths as 'collateral damage', and pretend to regret the occurrence. 

They will assert that, from their latest satellite beams, the village harboured armed and dangerous terrorists responsible for widespread terror plots, and hence their action. Never mind the fact that even if that was true, then the village needed to be freed, not made extinct. It will become inhabitable for the next millennium, and those who survive, will remain scarred for life, scars that no one can visibly see, except maybe from that distant, detached look the victims will give you when you go shooting that movie for Hollywood years later, wondering if that 'bird' that came one morning and dropped death upon them, came from your world.

Tonight, thousands of fetuses will be aborted by their mothers, who's role is to specifically do so for various Satan-worship orgies across the world. Thousands of three-year olds, will be sacrificed to Satan by demon-filled men across the world, in orgies too gross for description. The idea here being, the more the pain to an innocent soul, the more 'joy' for the fallen angels of death. 

These butchers will emerge the next morning, looking sharp in their blue suits, to make the next agenda for that multi-national company...even government(s). They will give lectures on morality, visit the sick in hospitals, even preach from blood-bought pulpits, and call people to salvation. They will instruct, correct, own and lead. Then they'll wait. For the next date.

Tonight, a new bus, straight from the assembly line, will somehow resist the commands of its driver, and plunge into a fast moving river, fifty meters below complete with its occupants. No one will survive, and momentarily the river will turn red from human blood. Flesh-eaters that no one has ever spotted before on the river, will show up and have a feast to remember. C.N.N will report it with glee and blame driver incompetence, if it has happened in the third world, but be quick to blame the weather if thethe massa has happened in the West.

The wreckage will be pulled out after some days, even though it could have been done much earlier, but the President was out of the country, and he needed to reap maximum political mileage from visiting the scene, so the damn mangled wreckage had to wait.

Tonight, a Volcano will erupt in some island with a funny name. An earthquake measuring seven point five on the Richter scale will bring down everything this impoverished nation has ever built in the last decade, and in an instant return it to early formative days. Millions of Dollars will be mobilized to bring back at least some level of civilization and sanity, with half of it ending up in individual off-shore accounts. 'Christian' organizations will join in the scramble for this new 'opportunity', raising millions of their own, through telecasts and sermons that have little to do with the real Gospel.

Tonight, another scandal will be unearthed. But many more will be swept under the rug. The world will make deafening noise over the one that is out in the open, not knowing that this is just a tip of the iceberg....and that if they were to know the real scale of theft and decay in their country, if they weren't so blinded by tribal loyalties, they would be too stunned to say a thing about their wilful slavery. Words will fail them, and they'll think the world is about to end, so the less they know, the longer their lives. 

Commissions of Inquiry(s), constituted by cronies of the perpetrators will be formed, and soon, their findings will be gathering dust at some ceremonial, system-created office with a fancy name, that has never intended to indict, leave alone prosecute, anyone.

Tonight, another disease will break out in Sub-Saharan Africa, and European Pharmaceutical companies will immediately give it a name to match this latest export off their labs, and hence new market, for their new drug. They will announce modest Profits in the End year results, a far cry from their actual windfall, most of it derived from the poorest areas of the universe. 

Well meaning medics will volunteer to go and die in these areas, as they stay true to their calling, and the mainstream media, being part of the machine, will cover their heroics, to show just how grave the situation is. But the cause of the outbreak will be discussed in hushed tones and will appear at the back pages of the large Dailies, to attract little or no attention at all.

The outbreak will die out when and if, some board-meeting convened in an exotic island, decides so, having surpassed their set monetary targets by about one Hundred Billion Dollars.

Hope;And Life.

Tonight, all we are going to hear is how bad things are. Good no longer makes news. And the news makers would rather concentrate on that which brings in more revenue. 

But tonight, an invincible army of Christ is out. Healing, restoring, creating from nothing. It doesn't depend on the mainstream media to move, nothing stops it, no barrier is big enough. Its as powerful as it is invisible. And its out. It has gone out to accomplish a purpose,and nothing is going to change that.

Dynasties will come crumbling down, and desperate men will be left groping in the dark for the correct scientific terms, that defied their numbers and logic. They will logically try to discern, but only succeed in drifting further from the truth. Yet the truth, stands right in front of them, and they would see it if they, for one moment, stopped pretending that they possess answers to every query.

Contrary to all that is coming out of every speaker, and every fancy forum and mouth-piece, evil isn't winning. 

"Everything, as you know it will end, yes. But on My Terms", Says The Lord. True,the future seems bleak, what with countries seemingly aligning themselves with their allies, anticipating a final showdown. Destruction comes with the loss of hope. The latter always precedes the former. Let no one lose hope, even with all these grisly headlines. Lest you accomplish their purpose. The more grisly the headlines, the more defiant The True Soldiers Of Christ ought to stand. Speak more faith, sing more praise, give more Hope.

Tonight, amidst all that, and much more yet to come, Jesus Christ, The Lord over all that is, and yet to be, The Son of The Living God, is as in total control today, as He was two thousand years ago. And before the very formation of the earth, over whose control they fight.

Be a true foot soldier. Enlist. Sign up. Take up arms. Choose sides with wisdom. Then go to battle. Confidently. For you have, s your commander, The one and only winning General- JESUS CHRIST, God's only Son.


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