CHILD,..Be Of Good Cheer.
I have seen you cry. Alone. In hiding. Behind that closed door, where no one could see you.
I was there with you. I cried with you, and felt your pain. I promised to always do that, remember?
And i heard you calling out for me. Thinking i had abandoned you, that i was a million miles away, or that i was busy with everybody else's issues but yours.
You felt you were being overrun and all the condemnation was wearing you down, grounding you to a halt.
Though the world thought you were just being outright rebellious, I who knows you better than anyone, knew exactly why you did what you did.
I saw beyond what they were condemning you for. I am not fooled by the noise the world makes at you. Or by all the shouting.
Its the same thing they did against me, on my crucifixion day. I have experienced what you are experiencing now, and i feel it with you.
So stop with the charade. Be encouraged. Know that i am with you, and that i am making a way. I make way in every kind of wilderness. Every kind.
See child, i choose whoever i want, i send whoever i want. And i have chosen you. You whom they condemn, i have chosen you. I don't see what they see, i am not limited by what limits them as humans. I see inside every hole, behind every wall, inside every heart and mind.
I know the intention of man, even before they come to pretend to worship me.
So do not be afraid, my child. I have you in my arms.
And,...I have made a way.
Yours loving Father.
Jesus Christ.
Wow! What an inspiring and encouraging message from the Father, through you. Kudos.
As candid as The Father can be..
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